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  • 2018-12-26
    I have to admit this item is pretty cool. I wasn’t sure about it at first, but after opening it and getting on the door I could see where this could be loads of fun. Upon inspection, I would think that this is compatible with any type of door but I would suggest it be a sturdy door and frame as it is relying on the structural integrity of the door to stabilize it and the person in it. It didn’t have any weight limits written on the insert but I would be leery of being over 200lbs and using this. Not due to the sturdiness of the straps themselves but due to how it pulls against and relies on the door and frame.

    The padding on the straps are fully adjustable and quite comfortable. When you have your body weight bearing down on something like this, cushion and comfort are key things. They cushion your body well and they don’t chafe.

    It is also rather versatile. We ran the straps under the mattress and it can be used on the bed as well. So even if you found out that a swing is not the thing you’d like to have on a regular basis or even to “spice things up” on occasion, this product has other applications. For the cost you really cannot beat this.


    Easy to Store


    Weight limits unknown